Restaurant of the Future Today!

Simple. Innovative. Classy.

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Available Funds: 200.84 EUR
Spent on Assistant: 1.87 EUR
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Your Referral ID - HxbiLQ

(give it to a new restaurant and earn passively!)

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What do you want?

  1. "I want to SEE the HISTORY of MADE PAYMENTS" - Click on the Payments tab

  2. "I want to know WHAT IS THE CURRENT MENU the assistant refers to and, probably, UPDATE it" - Click on the Menu tab

  3. "I want to actually start using assistant and integrate it with my restaurant" - Click on the Assistant tab

  4. "I want to MODIFY MY PROFILE and SETUP THE NOTIFICATIONS to receive on incoming orders" - Click on the Profile tab

  5. "I want to OPEN THE DASHBOARD with taken orders displayed" - Click on the View Orders tab